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With great joy, after so much work, we can announce that the food truck with 21 tons of food has been unloaded and is in Syrian territory. Today, August 12th is a wonderful day out for all We Are.
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By partnering with the non-profit onlus Rock no War and free carriage performed by the agency WPF NU, the total cost was of $ 317 for the people who unloaded and the trucks to bring food in stock.[cml_media_alt id='1995']10609666_390866651063923_7529504182042589309_n[/cml_media_alt]
Thanks to the organization of our collaborator Zakarya and with the support of the Red Crescent, the food was distributed in the city.
IIn three days was organized unloading and storage, made ​​food parcels and began distribution. Many of you do not know the hardships to get past all this food, every day a mishap, every day a new problem every day to find different solutions.
It was impossible to organize the coming of the staff WE ARE, unless to spend up to € 600 for an airline ticket, because the airline tickets they cost a lot in August even if you go on a humanitarian mission.
We have reluctantly decided to stay home for now and do deliver the efficient Red Crescent, because people are hungry, they can not wait for a video or a photo with our faces. Our mission will take place as soon as we can and costs will be reduced considerably.
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[cml_media_alt id='2007']SiriaMezzalunaRossa08_2014[/cml_media_alt]


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