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Being a supporter of We Are means :

  • ⇨ sharing values such as human rights, children’s and adolescents’ rights.
  • ⇨ receiving a gadget once a year
  • ⇨ receiving news letters regularly
  • ⇨ being entitled to suggest and develop happenings for the benefit of We Are
  • ⇨ receiving invitations and updates on all activities

As a supporting member you will be able to back up all projects by We are throughout the year.

Membership is valid for one year.

Supporting membership fees are as follows:

50,00 euro for ORDINARY Membership
100,00 euro for SUPER Membership
+ 100,00 euro for PLUS Membership

Becoming supporting members is easy:

  • just send your personal data to
  • Please pay the membership fee of your choice into the bank account or PayPal
  • and you will promptly receive the card and a receipt showing the sum you paid, which is tax-deductible.

Current Account:
Banca Popolare dell’Emilia Romagna
Ag.2 Bologna
IBAN: IT02V0538702402000002154768


modulo privacy sostenitore


We Are OdV